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Cloning Project


Where did you go?

This photo was fun to make, but I also froze. It was cold and raining, and I also was stressing over the squirrel trying to eat a plastic bag nearby. I sat down with my school book, Animal Farm, courtesy of Ms. Tinckler’s English 12 class. First I had on my sweater, then I took it off and ran seat to seat while Alexa made sure none of the shots went off centre while I was running around. Afterwards, I went indoors and did absolutely nothing for multiple days, but I did have the vision in my head. I wanted to make something spooky and sort of ghost-inspired. The blacked out faces are supposed to be faceless ghosts haunting someone, but that isn’t really portrayed outside of my imagination I think.

Something I’d do differently if I did this project again is double-check before taking photos that the setting is not on action-mode, because it caused a few inconsistencies in lighting that made it a little more difficult to edit together. I am happy with how my red sweater stands out, which also suits the idea behind it, as all the “ghosts” are wearing grey. This photo uses lines via the tables and ceiling and walls. The hallway is filled with various lines pointing towards the people. The diagonal table supports point towards the multiple me’s, and the ceiling points towards the end of the hallway, drawing the eye down all the people. It also uses repetition in a way, because of the repeating blurred-out faces.

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